dimarts, 22 de maig del 2012


Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Per fi he trobat una estona per escriure...
No sabeu lo difícil que se'm fa últimament trobar un moment per dedicar-me al blog; entre el xinès, buscar feina i els amics, gairebé no paro mai! Però sé que em trobeu a faltar, així que aquí torno a estar! -rodolí ;)-. Bé doncs, com que "lo prometido es deuda", avui seguiré amb la història del viatge a les Filipines...
Així doncs, prosseguim des d'on ho vam deixar, la nit en què vam acabar en un show "diferent", on vaig haver de lluitar -i guanyar!- amb en Todd per l'amor d'en Phillipe, que com a premi -o càstig- em va regalar un parell de petons -a la galta, no sigueu malpensats! Encara que haver d'esquivar l'epicentre de la seva cara...- i un intent de striptease... Va ser una nit ben divertida!
I al dia següent, cap a Palawan, una de les illes més maques de les Filipines. Pel camí, gairebé perdem l'autobús cap a l'aeroport -de fet el vam haver de parar amb el cotxe, posant-nos davant seu-. I què tal Palawan? Genial. Vam estar en un hotel que estava al mig del no res, davant d'una platja paradisíaca i amb la selva a l'esquena. I quina selva, tan verda i tan densa... I com que estàvem aïllats del món, doncs vam dedicar els 3 dies que vam estar allà a fer excursions: a unes cascades al mig de la selva, island-hopping, a un riu subterrani, un dia vam llogar unes motos i vam fer carretera -quins paisatges!-. Però una imatge val més que mil paraules oi? Doncs aquí teniu l'equivalent a uns quants milers de paraules...

Quan torni a tenir temps segueixo amb la història. Serà el torn de Boracay, the party island...
Fins aviat!
El xinès

dilluns, 7 de maig del 2012

Let's go to paradise!

We survived 12 days in the Philippines... and here I am, back and ready to explain you everything, including the dirty details!
So everything started... with a delay on the plane. They kept us inside the airplane, with the air-con off because it used too much petrol, for 3 hours! During this time I had some interesting talk with the hostesses, who explained me why, from their point of view, the reason we were stuck in Pudong Airport. Unfortunately I have to censure it, can't make it public... :)
Well, after sweating all the water we had inside, walked from one side of the plane to the other, have some funny talk with the hostesses... we finally left! It was just a 3 hours flight, so before we realized we were already in Manila, where Boyet, a Philippine friend, came to pick us up from the airport... together with Dani, her daughter... God, that girl had energy... She is 8, and in the beginning she looked shy but as soon as she felt more confident, there was nobody who could stop her!
Boyet took us to her mother's place, Yolanda, were we had dinner and slept. We can't thank them enough for all they did for us those last days. :)
As the trip was kind of improvised, we had no plan at all, we had to spend the next day planning everything: buying plane tickets, booking hotels... I FREAKED OUT! But we succeeded and when the night came, after a great Turkish dinner, we went out. First, to a club that was empty. Literally empty, we were the only ones so, after a while, we left and walked through Manila's streets till we found a club were a funny show was being performed. First I was reticent to go in -and that night would prove I had better stayed home ;)- but, following the girls' orders, as always, we bought the ticket and found a table next to the stage. The first show was performed by Philippe... Can you imagine the rest? We were the only foreigners, so as soon as he saw us, he told us to go to the stage. How did it all end up? As expected... Todd and I had to perform a show where we fought for Philippe's love. God, that was funny and embarrassing at the same time! There are videos and pictures, but they're censured by now! ;)
Ladies and gentlemen, I have to go. I arrived yesterday and I still have a lot of stuff to do, from catching up with the classes to look for a job. Tomorrow, more!! Have a nice day!!

PS: Yolanda, Boyet, Rita, Shirley, Jordi, Dani, David... and all those who've made of this a great trip, THANKS!!