Finally I'm back again! It has been a long time since I lost wrote in the blog... And it wasn't because I didn't have things to tell but because I did not have time nor patience to write. But cheer up, smile, because here I am again!! :) What has kept me so occupied lately? Trip to Nanjing, level 3 midterm exams, housewarming party in Shanghai and, now... PHILIPPINES!
Yes, I'm going to the Philippines! In fact, I just finished packing everything I need -not much, really. Some shorts and a bathing suit- and in approx. 20 minutes, I have to go to take a bus which will bring the four of us -Toddy, my love Bianca, my sis Yanyie and me- to the airport. I'm so excited! We're gonna spend 12 days there, starting in Manila and then flying to different islands. Take a look at some pictures from the Philippines and you'll see that it looks like paradise! "Estoy en el paraíso, yeah Fiona?" ;) Though we haven't organized much of the trip yet... but who cares, improvising is fun!! I'll explain you everything, with all the details, when I'm back!
And couple weeks ago we went to Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province, for 3 days, together with two German friends. How was it? Well, let's say unexpected things -which became funny- happened, but it was fun!
Oh, and I already have the mark from the Chinese grammar exam: 94 out of 100. Not bad yeah? ;)
Ladies and gentlemen, I have to go, the Philippines are waiting for me! But don't worry, as soon as I come back I'll let you know how the trip was! Wish me luck and fun!!
Greetings and love from the other side of the world!!
PS: For the next post, remind me to explain how it is to have your hair cut in China!!